Posts by Year


A Deep Dive into the 12 Week Year

6 minute read

As a productivity enthusiast, I’m always on the hunt for new methods and tools to try. Recently, while watching yet another Ali Abdaal video, he mentioned a...

Steal like an artist

3 minute read

What does it take to be creative? And more importantly, how do you keep that creativity alive in a world of distractions? ...

Why Comfort is Bad

3 minute read

Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution, like learning a new skill or starting a workout routine, but never followed through? I’m sure many of us have. I h...

Read More and Make it Stick

7 minute read

Reading is great. You can stand on the shoulders of giants, dive into the thinking of others, or explore new worlds. However, in today’s fast-paced world, f...

Balancing Your Article Publishing Schedule

4 minute read

What is the right amount of articles to publish per week? I’ve asked myself this question quite a lot and in this article, I’ll try to answer it. If you ar...

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My top 7 Books for 2025

3 minute read

The end of 2024 is approaching, and it is time to set my reading goals for 2025. As a member of the Goodreads community, I eagerly dive into a yearly reading...

The CHAOS Framework

3 minute read

If you’ve heard about the CHAOS Framework, you most likely heard it from Ali Abdaal – one of the most successful YouTubers on personal productivity. I’ve bee...

5 Proven Forms of Online Writing

less than 1 minute read

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash Writing online can take different forms. According to Nicolas Cole, a v...

I Am Changing My Publishing Pace

1 minute read

Since October 2023 I’ve been publishing two articles per week consistently: one article on Thursdays and another one on Sundays. Until now, I’ve written more...

The 6 Stages of Online Writing

3 minute read

Photo by Kanhaiya Sharma on Unsplash When I started writing online, I saw it as an experiment at first. My pr...

A Proven Energy Booster: Micro-Breaks

less than 1 minute read

Productivity is a matter of optimizing energy, not just time. Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash Productivit...

My 100th Blogpost

6 minute read

Wow, I can hardly believe it—this is my 100th blog post! When I first started this journey, I never imagined I’d get this far. Whether you’ve been with me f...

Why You Should Start with Why

5 minute read

Why? This simple question packs a punch. It’s more powerful than “How?” or “What?” because it digs deeper into why we do what we do: our true motivation and...

6 Step Guide on How to Make Ideas Spread

5 minute read

Have you ever wondered why certain ideas are shared more than others? Word of mouth and sharing are indeed powerful ways to spread information. Actually, it...

A Summary of The Effective Executive

6 minute read

Don’t we all want to be effective in what we do? In The Effective Executive Peter Drucker, one of the most renowned economists and management researchers, s...

6 Essential Lessons for Better Leadership

1 minute read

There are countless leadership lessons to help you become a better leader. In this brief article, I’ve gathered some key insights from my leadership journey....

My 6 Top Learnings from Psychology of Money

2 minute read

I’ve read many books about investing, personal finance, and money. Some focus on creating valuable businesses (The Millionaire Fastlane, Million Dollar Weeke...

How Running Boosted My Productivity

10 minute read

Energy and (physical) fitness are closely linked. If you are fit, you usually have more energy as well. I think everyone knows that. I knew that. ...

A Deep Dive into Leaders Eat Last

13 minute read

Have you ever wondered what sets great leaders apart? I did. And for the last couple of years, I’ve read many books on leadership. Some simply summarize co...

Say Goodbye to Energy-Sucking Questions

1 minute read

Did you hear of the concept of an “emotional vampire”? According to Mark Manson, emotional vampires […] tend to drain the emotional energy out of everyone t...

10 Ingredients for a Powerful Strategy

7 minute read

What does a good strategy look like? Is a good strategy a detailed plan crafted based on a vision, is it a set of guiding rules to keep you on the right pat...

My Top 21 Productivity Books

4 minute read

As an avid reader and productivity enthusiast I’ve curated a list of my favorite productivity books I’ve read so far - their rank has no underlying meaning (...

How to Get a Job You Really Want

3 minute read

How do you find or design your dream job? There is the classic way: applying to dozens of job advertisements, hoping you get to the next stage and win them ...

A Simple Method to Boost Your Productivity

less than 1 minute read

There are many strategies, methods, and guidelines to increase your productivity (the GTD method, Peter Drucker’s The Effective Executive, the role of habits...

A Summary of Feel-Good Productivity

14 minute read

Getting more done in less time is a big topic these days. It’s called personal productivity. There are many guides to help, like the GTD method, Peter Druc...

30 Learnings From Think Again

3 minute read

Think Again is a best-selling book by Adam Grant about the power of critical thinking and why our intuition sometimes can fool us. ...

Elon Musk’s 3 Strategic Principles

1 minute read

These days, any article with ”Elon Musk” in the title feels like it’s just trying to get attention (this article won’t). ...

Managing Energy, Not Time

less than 1 minute read

There is a limit to how efficiently you can use your time: your energy! Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash ...

Why Rethinking Is Powerful

8 minute read

Somehow this year I’ve read a lot on motivation, mental models, and thinking in systems. A book I’ve recently finished is “Think Again” by Adam Grant. Essen...

A List of Proven Mental Models

less than 1 minute read

This year, I’ve learned a lot about mental models and systems. Using these tools can really boost your productivity. P...

7 Habits to Become Highly Effective

4 minute read

I am a productivity enthusiast. In the past four years, I’ve read well over 50 books on the topic and some are truly remarkable. One of them is ”The 7 Habit...

Why I Do Not Like the Pomodoro Technique

less than 1 minute read

As a confessed productivity enthusiast I’ve tried out many different productivity methods & techniques. But there is one technique I am not very fond of...

Leadership Lessons From a Parenting Book

6 minute read

This sounds awkward, right? How can you draw lessons for leadership from a book about parenting? And yes, this had been my first thought as well after readi...

The Luck Formula

less than 1 minute read

How lucky are you? Everybody has lucky moments, but can you influence your luck? Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash ...

Do Not Be an Early Bird Unless You Want To

1 minute read

A common theme among productivity enthusiasts seems to be the “waking up early” mentality. There are countless recommendations like “Why I wake up at 5 a.m....

Why Simplicity Always Wins

less than 1 minute read

We live in a complex world. And I think this is a good thing! There are tons of information created and connected each day (according to Forbes, 2.5 quintil...

Work for Learning, Not for Money

less than 1 minute read

Why do we work? Is it just for the money? Do we want to do something that we enjoy or something that contributes to society? ...

A Snapshot of My 2024 Reading So Far

3 minute read

I’ve always enjoyed reading. Until some years ago I mostly read fiction. After completing my PhD, I was still hungry for more knowledge. So I started readin...

Tribute To Daniel Kahneman

2 minute read

One of the greatest psychology researchers just died. Daniel Kahneman received the Nobel Prize for his work in behavioral economics in 2002. Besides his sci...

5 Proven Ways to Unlocking Wealth and Wisdom

3 minute read

In the past few years, I’ve been reading a lot of books on the topics of happiness and wealth. One book that is often seen on “best book lists” on those topi...

A Definition of Happiness

less than 1 minute read

We want to feel happy. We pursue it. The pursuit of Happiness is even part of the US Declaration of Independence. But what does happiness actually mean? ...

7 Strategies to Make the Most of Meetings

6 minute read

In the corporate world, meetings are omnipresent. According to Forbes, there are 55 million meetings each day - and half of them are a waste of time. But wh...

The Power of Persistence

8 minute read

From early childhood, we are often told that talent is the key to success and happiness. Whether it’s in academics, sports, or the arts, our society values i...

My Number 1 Strategy to Think Clearly

7 minute read

Do you know the feeling of having 1,000 problems, ideas etc. in your head at the same time? I often feel like that. Sorting through all the thoughts is a bi...

My Online Writing: What I’ve learned so far

5 minute read

In the last few weeks, I wrote 34 articles, and I must say, it was a fantastic experience. As I’ve written in my about me story on Medium, I’ve always loved...

Craft Your Ideal Week: a User-Friendly Guide

9 minute read

A key element of personal productivity is managing our time efficiently. By making the most out of our energy levels throughout the day we can get more thing...

The 8 Faces of Leadership

5 minute read

The landscape of leadership literature is vast: At Medium alone the topic “Leadership” has 2.2M followers - there is so much advice out there, that it can be...

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My top 7 Books for 2024

3 minute read

As a member of the Goodreads community, I eagerly dive into a yearly reading challenge. In 2023 I conquered 27 books exceeding my goal of 15 books by quite ...

Why the Early Bird Mentality is Wrong

7 minute read

In the past years and month I’ve read a lot of books and articles about personal productivity. One of the overlapping recommendations is “waking up early” - ...

7 Books for Highly Productive Managers

5 minute read

The world of management and leadership literature is expansive. In this piece, I aim to introduce seven captivating books from this realm that I enjoyed pers...

The Total Recall Productivity Method

9 minute read

Efficiency and effectiveness are becoming more and more important to succeed in today‘s challenging corporate world. In my quest to supercharge my personal ...

My Productivity Revolution: A Story of Progress

13 minute read

In this article I want to share my productivity journey with you: starting from my first job in applied science to my current position as a manager in digita...

7 Books for Highly Productive People

5 minute read

There are tons of books about personal productivity out there. In this article I want to show you my personal top 7. The Effective Executive The Effective...

First Post

1 minute read

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash Hi and welcome! My name is Matthias Karner and what you are reading is my ...

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