The Power of Essentialism: How Doing Less Helps You Achieve More
In today’s fast-paced world, being busy is a sign of success. We fill our schedules with endless meetings, tasks, and commitments. But what if doing less co...
In today’s fast-paced world, being busy is a sign of success. We fill our schedules with endless meetings, tasks, and commitments. But what if doing less co...
I’ve never thought of myself as a great salesperson. The very idea of persuading someone to buy a product or service they didn’t even know existed just a sh...
As a productivity enthusiast, I’m always on the hunt for new methods and tools to try. Recently, while watching yet another Ali Abdaal video, he mentioned a...
What does it take to be creative? And more importantly, how do you keep that creativity alive in a world of distractions? ...
Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution, like learning a new skill or starting a workout routine, but never followed through? I’m sure many of us have. I h...
Reading is great. You can stand on the shoulders of giants, dive into the thinking of others, or explore new worlds. However, in today’s fast-paced world, f...
On my journey of improving my productivity, I’ve already conquered a lot of books ranging from classics like The Effective Executive and 7 Habits of Highly ...
What is the right amount of articles to publish per week? I’ve asked myself this question quite a lot and in this article, I’ll try to answer it. If you ar...
The end of 2024 is approaching, and it is time to set my reading goals for 2025. As a member of the Goodreads community, I eagerly dive into a yearly reading...
How can you slow down time? Some might say that doing something boring makes time slow down. But does it really? Wha...
Breathing techniques are a powerful way to boost your alertness, increase focus, or support relaxation. Photo by Jared...
The only constant in life is change.- Heraclitus I really like this quote, as it is full of deep truth. Think of businesses, projects, biology, or the ...
One of the aspiring online writers/bloggers I personally look up to is Mark Manson. With his articles, he created a big following. However, his major leap w...
If you’ve heard about the CHAOS Framework, you most likely heard it from Ali Abdaal – one of the most successful YouTubers on personal productivity. I’ve bee...
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash Writing online can take different forms. According to Nicolas Cole, a v...
How many people have a personal website? Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash How many people have a personal we...
Making effective decisions is one of the most important things a leader has to do. Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash ...
Since October 2023 I’ve been publishing two articles per week consistently: one article on Thursdays and another one on Sundays. Until now, I’ve written more...
Having your website gives you the freedom to publish whatever content you want when you want. And building your website has never been easier than it is toda...
In the past year, I’ve written more than 100 articles online. The articles are spread among different topics. They are in different formats (short-form and...
Photo by Kanhaiya Sharma on Unsplash When I started writing online, I saw it as an experiment at first. My pr...
A little while ago, I stumbled upon the book The Art and Business of Online Writing. As someone who writes online regularly, the title instantly grabbed my ...
I always thought that the concept of “writing about writing” was a bit odd. It is quite popular on Medium though. There exist dozens of writers who only writ...
What makes people happy? When asked about their life goals, millennials mention money or fame. But do money and fame make us happy? ...
Photo by Zach Lucero on Unsplash Some weeks ago I published an article on the STEPPS framework, summarizing t...
Productivity is a matter of optimizing energy, not just time. Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash Productivit...
Wow, I can hardly believe it—this is my 100th blog post! When I first started this journey, I never imagined I’d get this far. Whether you’ve been with me f...
Why? This simple question packs a punch. It’s more powerful than “How?” or “What?” because it digs deeper into why we do what we do: our true motivation and...
Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash What is the main job of a leader? To be there for your team. If you put sh...
Have you ever wondered why certain ideas are shared more than others? Word of mouth and sharing are indeed powerful ways to spread information. Actually, it...
Don’t we all want to be effective in what we do? In The Effective Executive Peter Drucker, one of the most renowned economists and management researchers, s...
There are countless leadership lessons to help you become a better leader. In this brief article, I’ve gathered some key insights from my leadership journey....
No matter how many productivity hacks you try, there’s always a limit to how productive you can be: your energy. That’s why it’s crucial to manage your ener...
I’ve read many books about investing, personal finance, and money. Some focus on creating valuable businesses (The Millionaire Fastlane, Million Dollar Weeke...
Energy and (physical) fitness are closely linked. If you are fit, you usually have more energy as well. I think everyone knows that. I knew that. ...
Have you ever wondered what sets great leaders apart? I did. And for the last couple of years, I’ve read many books on leadership. Some simply summarize co...
We need energy to function. We can increase our productivity to get more done in less time, but at some point, our energy becomes the bottleneck as I discuss...
Everyone communicates differently. But have you ever wondered why? Our personalities, shaped by our beliefs, experiences, upbringing, emotions, and current ...
There are many books about money, investing, financial success, … and I’ve read many of them. However, there has been one book that stood out for its practic...
Did you hear of the concept of an “emotional vampire”? According to Mark Manson, emotional vampires […] tend to drain the emotional energy out of everyone t...
Are you curious about what makes a strategy truly effective? Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash In “Good Strateg...
What does a good strategy look like? Is a good strategy a detailed plan crafted based on a vision, is it a set of guiding rules to keep you on the right pat...
Feedback is a powerful tool for leaders. Positive and constructive feedback sparks growth, boosts performance, and strengthens trust within the team. By sha...
As an avid reader and productivity enthusiast I’ve curated a list of my favorite productivity books I’ve read so far - their rank has no underlying meaning (...
Have you ever asked yourself how aligned your life is with your values? It’s a difficult question. Photo by Slav Roma...
How do you find or design your dream job? There is the classic way: applying to dozens of job advertisements, hoping you get to the next stage and win them ...
There are many strategies, methods, and guidelines to increase your productivity (the GTD method, Peter Drucker’s The Effective Executive, the role of habits...
What do successful companies such as Apple, Microsoft (in its early days and the recent months) as well as American Airlines have in common? ...
Last month, I read Feel-Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal. One idea really caught my attention: picking your own productivity character. ...
Our mindset is important. It has the potential to change not only the way we see things but also how we approach them. This is true in many areas of our liv...
Getting more done in less time is a big topic these days. It’s called personal productivity. There are many guides to help, like the GTD method, Peter Druc...
Photo by Caleb Jones on Unsplash According to Harvard Business Review, we make about 35,000 decisions per day...
Think Again is a best-selling book by Adam Grant about the power of critical thinking and why our intuition sometimes can fool us. ...
These days, any article with ”Elon Musk” in the title feels like it’s just trying to get attention (this article won’t). ...
There is a limit to how efficiently you can use your time: your energy! Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash ...
Somehow this year I’ve read a lot on motivation, mental models, and thinking in systems. A book I’ve recently finished is “Think Again” by Adam Grant. Essen...
This year, I’ve learned a lot about mental models and systems. Using these tools can really boost your productivity. P...
I am a productivity enthusiast. In the past four years, I’ve read well over 50 books on the topic and some are truly remarkable. One of them is ”The 7 Habit...
There are times when we are stressed out - we don’t know what to do, because there are hundreds of things to do. Being stressed reduces our cognitive ability...
Managing time efficiently is key to personal productivity. By aligning our activities with our energy levels, we can achieve more and stay motivated longer....
A book that ranked particularly high on my reading list this year was “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins. It’s a motivational book where David Goggins tells h...
As a confessed productivity enthusiast I’ve tried out many different productivity methods & techniques. But there is one technique I am not very fond of...
This sounds awkward, right? How can you draw lessons for leadership from a book about parenting? And yes, this had been my first thought as well after readi...
Our world sometimes seems to be obsessed with talent. The thing is we don’t just see talent. What we see is achievement and there is more to achievement tha...
How lucky are you? Everybody has lucky moments, but can you influence your luck? Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash ...
A common theme among productivity enthusiasts seems to be the “waking up early” mentality. There are countless recommendations like “Why I wake up at 5 a.m....
We live in a complex world. And I think this is a good thing! There are tons of information created and connected each day (according to Forbes, 2.5 quintil...
Did you ever wonder where life might take you within the next 5 years? Have you made plans for the future like, changing your job, buying a car, or running ...
What prevents us from living a life we truly want to live? An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed...
In the past years, I’ve read many books on career advice. Some focus on building small habits to gradually transform your life, while others focus on the pow...
Why do we work? Is it just for the money? Do we want to do something that we enjoy or something that contributes to society? ...
Digitalization and IT are similar but not the same as I’ve explored in one of my recent articles where I’ve defined the tech trinity and analyzed their diffe...
I’ve always enjoyed reading. Until some years ago I mostly read fiction. After completing my PhD, I was still hungry for more knowledge. So I started readin...
In some of my recent article, I unveiled my journey in becoming head of digital transformation management. But what does digitalization have to do with IT? ...
Follow your passion. This is one of the most said career advice. And yes, it sounds plausible! Why shouldn’t you do what you’re passionate about in your jo...
One of the greatest psychology researchers just died. Daniel Kahneman received the Nobel Prize for his work in behavioral economics in 2002. Besides his sci...
It’s amazing how quickly time flies. It seems like just a few weeks ago I started writing online at Medium and but now half a year has pa...
The ever-evolving landscape of the digital realm never fails to captivate me. For over four exciting years, I’ve been steering the ship as the Head of Digit...
In today’s world, it’s hard to escape the term “fake news.” It became even more common during and after the election of Donald Trump, who often labeled news ...
Happiness is something we all want, but sometimes it feels like it’s just out of reach. But what does happiness actually mean? ...
In the past few years, I’ve been reading a lot of books on the topics of happiness and wealth. One book that is often seen on “best book lists” on those topi...
For more than four years now, I’ve been responsible for Digital Transformation Management at my company. In this article I want to share some of my learning...
The digital world is fascinating. Think about how the world looked like just some years ago in 2007. We didn’t have smartphones back then. Could you imagine ...
We want to feel happy. We pursue it. The pursuit of Happiness is even part of the US Declaration of Independence. But what does happiness actually mean? ...
The term “fake news” has become a common term in today’s information-overloaded world. During and after the election of Donald Trump he often called news fak...
We work with a lot of data each day - according to Forbes, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created each day. But, having lots of data doesn’t guarantee we...
Life consists of many challenges: some are easy to deal with, some are more daunting and there are some problems you could solve, but just seem almost too ov...
In the corporate world, meetings are omnipresent. According to Forbes, there are 55 million meetings each day - and half of them are a waste of time. But wh...
I’d define myself as a productivity enthusiast - I enjoy reading non-fiction and improving my efficiency. I am a big believer that we at least need some stre...
According to Forbes there are 55 million meetings each day - and half of them are a waste of time.
From early childhood, we are often told that talent is the key to success and happiness. Whether it’s in academics, sports, or the arts, our society values i...
A great thing about books is that there are so many treasures available - enticing novels, insightful non-fiction books, and great literature. You can read ...
Do you know the feeling of having 1,000 problems, ideas etc. in your head at the same time? I often feel like that. Sorting through all the thoughts is a bi...
In the last few weeks, I wrote 34 articles, and I must say, it was a fantastic experience. As I’ve written in my about me story on Medium, I’ve always loved...
Writing online has been a great journey so far and I definitely want to continue. It’s a fantastic way to express thoughts and ideas, and it’s open to feedba...
A key element of personal productivity is managing our time efficiently. By making the most out of our energy levels throughout the day we can get more thing...
The human brain is great at having ideas, but it is terrible at remembering them. However, our busy life depends on us memorizing information (like names, n...
In life there are challenges - some are easy to deal with, some are more daunting and there are those challenges that seem so huge you think you won’t be abl...
In our fast-paced world stress is often perceived as a badge of honor, although we are taught that stress is something negative. Stress leads to the product...
There are many cognitive biases we have to watch out for - in a recent article, I unveiled 11 of them. Some days ago I stumbled upon another one: the Decoy ...
When I think back, I always had the goal of becoming successful. But what did (professional) success mean to me? I imagined success as being exceptionally go...
The landscape of leadership literature is vast: At Medium alone the topic “Leadership” has 2.2M followers - there is so much advice out there, that it can be...
In the fast-paced world of career development, we can find ourselves stuck in jobs that drain our energy and leave us feeling unfulfilled. But how to choose...
As a member of the Goodreads community, I eagerly dive into a yearly reading challenge. In 2023 I conquered 27 books exceeding my goal of 15 books by quite ...
After the positive reception of my latest piece on management literature, I’ve chosen to continue the momentum by introducing five additional books focused o...
As the year draws to a close, it’s that special time when we pause to ponder the events of the past twelve months and envision the possibilities that lie ahe...
In the past years and month I’ve read a lot of books and articles about personal productivity. One of the overlapping recommendations is “waking up early” - ...
The workings of the human mind can be quite mysterious, particularly when considering our subconscious thoughts. Daniel Kahneman dissects this phenomenon in...
Let’s dive into the secrets of our minds, especially the part that thinks without us even realizing it. Did you know that a huge 90% of what we think is inf...
In the recent years I read many non-fiction books, but one truly stands out: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. In the book the Nobel Prize-winning...
After the positive reception of my latest piece on productivity literature, I’ve chosen to continue the momentum by introducing five additional books focused...
Academia and the corporate world can vary significantly across various dimensions such as project execution, cultural dynamics, and task management approache...
In a recent article I delved into why you need to engage with your notes to increase their value. For effective learning, our brain requires challenges. Mere...
In a recent article, I delved into the exciting realm of translating lean manufacturing methods into the realm of personal productivity. The world of lean of...
The landscape of non-fiction books is vast. In this post I want to share my top 33 picks accompanied by a brief summary with you. ...
In this article I want to share what I learnt so far about the power of habits from sources like The Infinite Game, Atomic Habits and Leaders Eat Last. C...
The world of management and leadership literature is expansive. In this piece, I aim to introduce seven captivating books from this realm that I enjoyed pers...
Notetaking is a crucial step in retaining information, storing valuable concepts and also to spark new ideas. In a world filled with an overwhelming amount ...
In the recent decades lean manufacturing has established itself as the go-to form of organizing manufacturing. It improves the value for the customer, reduce...
Efficiency and effectiveness are becoming more and more important to succeed in today‘s challenging corporate world. In my quest to supercharge my personal ...
Agile project management, has reshaped the software development landscape in the past decade. In “The Lean Startup”, Eric Ries delves into agile methodologi...
In this article I want to share my productivity journey with you: starting from my first job in applied science to my current position as a manager in digita...
There are tons of books about personal productivity out there. In this article I want to show you my personal top 7. The Effective Executive The Effective...
The demands of work and personal life can often feel overwhelming, leading to stress and a sense of being perpetually behind. If you’re looking for a soluti...
According to The New York Times, the average person consumes a staggering 34 gigabytes of data daily — that’s equivalent to 17 billion words or roughly 1,740...
Reading is fun. You can dive into the minds of great scientists, explore the thoughts of creative minds and learn new things. Reading a non-fiction book is l...
Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash Hi and welcome! My name is Matthias Karner and what you are reading is my ...