Why Simplicity Always Wins
We live in a complex world. And I think this is a good thing! There are tons of information created and connected each day (according to Forbes, 2.5 quintil...
We live in a complex world. And I think this is a good thing! There are tons of information created and connected each day (according to Forbes, 2.5 quintil...
Did you ever wonder where life might take you within the next 5 years? Have you made plans for the future like, changing your job, buying a car, or running ...
What prevents us from living a life we truly want to live? An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed...
In the past years, I’ve read many books on career advice. Some focus on building small habits to gradually transform your life, while others focus on the pow...
Why do we work? Is it just for the money? Do we want to do something that we enjoy or something that contributes to society? ...